Step 1 of 5 - About the payer

All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Terms and Conditions *

By using this service and accepting these conditions, you agree that [COUNCIL NAME] can use your data in accordance with our Privacy and GDPR Notice

Contact Information

If you have any general queries you can contact us using the following details;


Phone: 03001263000

Or by writing to the following address:

The Corby Cube, Parkland Gateway, George Street, Corby, NN17 1QG

Secure website

Direct Debit Instructions can now be set up online.

We value your privacy and security so all interactions with Council use 256-bit encryption to protect your personal details when they are transmitted over the Internet.

All the normal Direct Debit safeguards and guarantees apply when you set up an instruction online. No changes in the amount, date or frequency of a payment can be made without notifying you at least 10 working days in advance of your account being debited. In the event of any error, you are entitled to an immediate refund from your Bank or Building Society. You have the right to cancel a Direct Debit Instruction at any time simply by writing to your Bank or Building Society, and sending a copy of the letter to us.